Stokvis Tapes
vovloIn 2009 production of buses in Poland reached the level of 4656 pcs, i.e. 8 pcs  (+0,17%) more than a year before – informed the company JMK analizy rynku transportowego dealing with transport market analysis.

This good result can be attributed to the constantly increasing bus export that despite the recession of the local market has our whole bus production do in green numbers. In 2009 the top of the list is occupied by main exporters, i.e. MAN, Solaris, Volvo and Scania. Places of particular companies in the list were not changed in comparison with 2008.

In 2009 factories located in Poland produced total of 4656 buses, including 3514 city buses. It is 260 buses more than a year before (+ 7.39%).

Last year intercity buses production also had quite good results. In total 976 vehicles of this type were produced in our country, it is by 80 vehicles fewer than a year before (- 7.55%).

In 2009 “red numbers” characterized the sector of coaches. We produced 163 buses of this luxurious type, i.e. as many as 172 vehicles fewer than a year before.
